Canine Heartworm (CHW)

 ProductProduct codeSample materialDetection
tamaVet® Canine Heartworm (CHW) Test1172031N-05Whole blood, serum, plasmaAg

The tamaVet® Canine Heartworm (CHW) Test is intended for the rapid detection of specific Dirofilaria immitis antigens in the whole blood, serum or plasma of dogs.  
Heartworm disease, also known as dirofilariasis, is caused by the Dirofilaria immitis parasite of the Onchocercidae family. Transmitted by mosquitoes, it mainly affects dogs, but can sometimes also occur in cats. Mosquitos are responsible for its transmission.
As the disease initially develops in the subcutis, mild or newly recurrent infections often go unnoticed. As the pre-adult form reaches the vascular system and adult female dirofilaria develops in the pulmonary arteries, symptoms such as inflammation, loss of appetite, lethargy, weight loss, a chronic cough and even heart failure can develop. The entire development cycle in the mosquito and primary host lasts at least 5 or 6 months, meaning that female adult antigens can be detected - at the earliest - 6 to 7 months after infection. 
The test is suitable for the early detection of suspected heartworm disease or in the case of clinical symptoms, and should be repeated after treatment to confirm the elimination of the parasite.


Canine Distemper Virus (CDV)

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tamaVet® Canine Distemper Virus (CDV) Test1172032N-05Conjunctiva swab,serum, urine, faecesAg

The tamaVet® Canine Distemper Virus (CDV) Test is intended for the rapid detection of canine distemper antigens in serum, urine, faeces or conjunctival swabs in dogs. 
The disease is caused by canine distemper virus, which belongs to the Paramyxoviridae family. Transmission tends to be intrauterine or as a result of direct contact. 
The disease is highly contagious, affects multiple organs and infects not only pet dogs but also ferrets, skunks and other local carnivorous wildlife. It can manifest as acute, sub-acute or chronic and can occur in cutaneous, catarrhal, gastrointestinal or nervous forms. In rare cases, ‘hard pad disease’ can develop, causing hyperkeratosis of the rhinarium and foot pads. Damage to tooth enamel also affects some dogs. The detection of antigens is usually possible with the onset of viraemia - approximately 7 days after infection.  
The test is suitable for the early detection of suspected distemper or in the case of clinical symptoms.


Canine Parvovirus & Feline Panleukopenia Virus

 ProductProduct codeSample materialDetection
tamaVet® Parvovirus Test1172033N-05FaecesAg

The tamaVet® Parvovirus Test is intended for the rapid detection of specific canine and feline parvovirus antigens in faecal samples taken from dogs and cats. 
Both canine parvovirus (CPV2, 2a, 2b, 2c) and feline panleukopenia virus (FPV) belong to the Parvoviridae family. Transmission is usually oral or intrauterine.   
Both CPV and FPV are highly contagious and most often acute infections (also known as ‘panleukopenia’ in cats). As the viruses depend on cells with a high rate of mitosis, they primarily attack intestinal cells, bone marrow, lymphatic tissue and myocardial cells. In puppies and kittens in particular, this can lead to severe systemic illness resulting initially in acute fever, watery/bloody diarrhoea, vomiting, anorexia and leucopenia followed by extreme dehydration and azotaemia, anaemia, hypoalbuminaemia and even panhypoproteinaemia. In rare cases, sudden death as a result of cardiovascular failure can occur, even without previous clinical signs. The detection of antigens is usually possible from the 3rd day and correlates with clinical symptoms. 
The test is suitable for the early detection of suspected infection with parvovirus or in the case of clinical symptoms in dogs and cats.



 ProductProduct code Sample materialDetection
tamaVet® Coronavirus Test1172037N-05FaecesAg

The tamaVet® Coronavirus Test is intended for the rapid detection of specific canine and feline coronavirus antigens in the faecal samples of dogs and cats.  
Canine coronavirus (CCoV) and feline coronavirus (FCoV) both belong to the Coronaviridae family and occur worldwide. The infections tend to be transmitted orally.  
Coronaviruses demonstrate high recombination and mutation rates, which fosters new variants. Many infections are subclinical in dogs and cats, or cause only mild intestinal symptoms such as diarrhoea.  Infections with clinical manifestations, primarily in puppies, kittens and other young animals, include apathy and anorexia, diarrhoea, dehydration, fever and, more rarely, heavily bloodied diarrhoea and even death. Its severity and duration in dogs and cats also depends on simultaneous parasitosis and mixed infections. The development of feline infectious peritonitis (FIP) is a fatal manifestation of an infection that only affects cats. The activation of macrophages and the complement system leads to inflammation of the vascular system and necrosis, with leakage of serum and proteins into the body cavities and fibrin deposition (effusive or wet form). A milder, more prolonged form without exudates may also occur, with nodular sites of inflammation in the organs (non-effusive or dry form). Clinical symptoms include anorexia and cachexia, as well as a recurrent fever that does not respond to treatment. The detection of antigens is usually possible around 3 to 14 days after infection. 
The test is suitable for the early detection of suspected infection with coronavirus or in the case of clinical symptoms. As the excretion of coronavirus can be intermittent, repeated testing is recommended.




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tamaVet® Leishmania Test1172041N-05Whole blood, serum, plasmaAb

The tamaVet® Leishmania Test is intended for the rapid detection of specific antibodies against Leishmania infantum in the whole blood, serum or plasma of dogs.  
The protozoan Leishmania infantum belongs to the Trypanosomatida order, and is primarily transmitted by mosquitoes of the sandfly (Phlebotomus) genus.  
The pathogens attack macrophages, especially in the skin and reticulolymphatic organs. The course of the disease can vary depending on the animal’s immune system reaction. Animals with stimulation of cell-mediated immunity can develop resistance, whereas stimulation of humoral immunity can lead to non-protective antibodies and the formation of immune complexes. In this way, animals can remain free of symptoms for life, or initially show extremely diverse symptoms such as fever, enlarged lymph nodes, weight loss, apathy, vomiting, diarrhoea and changes to the skin. As it progresses, it also affects the organs. The skin exhibits scaly alopecia, various forms of dermatitis, brittle claws, necrosis and itching. The development of immune complex diseases in other organs is also possible. The detection of antibodies in infected animals is only possible in some cases after 6 to 8 weeks and, in subclinical cases, only several years later. 
The test is suitable for the early detection of leishmaniasis in suspected cases or in the case of clinical symptoms, and repeated testing may be recommended.


Ehrlichia canis

 ProductProduct codeSample materialDetection
tamaVet® Ehrlichia canis Test1172042N-05Whole blood, serum, plasmaAb

The tamaVet® Ehrlichia canis Test is intended for the rapid detection of specific antibodies against Ehrlichia canis in the whole blood, serum or plasma of dogs. 
The bacterium Ehrlichia canis belongs to the Rickettsiales order, and is transmitted by the brown dog tick (Rhipicephalus sanguineus).  
Canine monocytic ehrlichiosis (CME) caused by this pathogen can be acute, subclinical or chronic. A monocyte infestation suppresses immune function and can cause mild to life-threatening symptoms such as leukocytopenia, thrombocytopenia, dyspnoea, fever, vomiting, epistaxis, haemorrhagic diathesis, lymphadenopathy, weight loss and apathy. Symptoms affecting the central nervous system have also been documented. The subsequent subclinical phase can last for weeks or years and in the chronic stage bleeding, oedema, pancytopenia, hyperglobulinaemia, splenomegaly and immune complex diseases can also occur. The detection of antibodies is possible from the 7th day after infection, but seroconversion can also take up to four weeks.   
The test is suitable for the early detection of suspected infection with canine monocytic ehrlichiosis or in the case of clinical symptoms. If necessary, repeating the test is recommended.


Giardia lamblia

 ProductProduct codeSample materialDetection
tamaVet® Giardia Test1172043N-05FaecesAg

The tamaVet® Giardia Test is intended for the rapid detection of specific Giardia lamblia antigens in the faecal samples of dogs and cats.  
Giardiasis is a disease caused by the unicellular parasite Giardia lamblia (also known as duodenalis/intestinalis). Infection with pathogen cysts by oral absorption mainly takes place following environmental contamination with faeces and reinfection during grooming. 
After the cysts have been ingested, trophozoites are released into the gastrointestinal tract and adhere to small intestinal cells where they multiply by dividing into two. This leads to villous atrophy and the desquamation of epithelial cells with resulting malabsorption and maldigestion. The trophozoites in the rectum then form cysts again. Giardia infections are often asymptomatic in dogs and cats, though persistent and intermittent diarrhoea with light-coloured, foul-smelling faeces with mucus and blood admixtures can occur -especially in puppies, kittens and other young animals. Vomiting is less common. A loss of appetite and emaciation can happen in acute- to chronic cases. The period between infection and the excretion of trophozoites and cysts is 4 to 15 days.  
The test is suitable for the early detection of suspected Giardia lamblia or in the case of clinical symptoms. As excretion can be intermittent, examinations should be carried out over a period of approximately 7 to 10 days and be repeated if necessary.

Lyme borreliosis

 ProductProduct codeSample materialDetection
tamaVet® Canine Lyme Borreliosis Test1172046N-05Whole blood, serum, plasmaAb

The tamaVet® Canine Lyme Borreliosis Test is intended for the rapid detection of specific antibodies against Borrelia burgdorferi in the whole blood, serum or plasma of dogs.  
The Borrelia burgdorferi bacterium belongs to the Spirochaetales order and is primarily transmitted by the castor bean tick (Ixodes ricinus). 
Pathogens actively migrate from the dog’s skin to tissues and joints. A red rash (Erythema migrans) can occur as a result. As well as asymptomatic infections, non-specific symptoms such as fever, anorexia and apathy can occur, sometimes with relapses. Lameness due to arthritis or myositis and lymphadenopathy may develop later, whereas glomerulonephritis, myocarditis or neurological impairments are less frequently noted. Lyme-specific antibodies sometimes first occur 2 to 6 weeks after infection.  
The test is suitable for the early detection of suspected Lyme borreliosis (Lyme disease) in dogs, and in such cases should be repeated after an interval of 7 to 10 days.


Multi 2TB (Coronavirus & Parvovirus/Panleukopenia virus)

 ProductProduct codeSample materialDetection
tamaVet® Multi 2TB Test1172038N-05FaecesAg

The tamaVet® Multi 2TB (Coronavirus, Parvovirus) Test is intended for the rapid detection of specific canine and feline coronavirus and parvovirus antigens in the faecal samples of dogs and cats.  
Both canine coronavirus (CCoV) and feline coronavirus (FCoV) belong to the Coronaviridae family and occur worldwide. The infection tends to be transmitted orally. Both canine parvovirus (CPV2, 2a, 2b, 2c) and feline panleukopenia virus (FPV) belong to the Parvoviridae family. Transmission is usually oral or intrauterine. 
As mixed infections often have similar symptoms such as apathy, anorexia, diarrhoea, dehydration and fever, a combination of both tests is recommended. Antigens can usually be detected approximately 3 to 14 days after infection.
The test is suitable for the early detection of suspected infection with coronavirus or parvovirus or in the case of clinical symptoms. As the excretion of parvovirus decreases, and the excretion of coronavirus can be intermittent, the test should be repeated after 2 days.


Multi 2TD (Giardia & Cryptosporidium parvum)

 ProductProduct codeSample materialNachweis
tamaVet® Multi 2TD Test1172067N-05FaecesAg

The tamaVet® Multi 2 TD (Giardia, Cryptosporidium parvum) Test is intended for the rapid detection of specific Giardia lamblia and Cryptosporidium parvum antigens in faecal samples taken from dogs and cats.  
Giardiasis is a disease caused by the single-cell parasite Giardia lamblia (also known as duodenalis/intestinalis). Infection with pathogen cysts by oral absorption mainly takes place following environmental contamination with faeces and reinfection during grooming. The protozoan Cryptosporidium parvum belongs to the phylum Apicomplexa and forms infectious oocysts. The infection is normally transmitted orally. 
As with Giardia lamblia cysts, the uptake of cryptosporidia oocysts leads to the release of sporozoites that attack the intestinal enterocytes and multiply in different stages, eventually releasing very environmentally stable oocysts. As with giardiasis, this can lead not only to malabsorption and maldigestion, but also to abdominal pain, vomiting and fever. In immunosuppressed animals in particular, or in puppies and kittens, potentially fatal diarhhoea can occur. In the case of Giardia lamblia, the time from infection to the excretion of trophozoites and cysts is 4 to 15 days, and 2 to 14 days in the case of Cryptosporidium parvum.  
The test is suitable for the early detection of suspected Giardia lamblia and Cryptosporidium parvum, or in the case of clinical symptoms. As excretion is intermittent, examinations should be carried out over a period of approximately 4 to 10 days, and repeated as necessary.